
How to drive customer acquisition on Amazon 

8 most common strategies that sellers use to drive customer acquistion on Amazon

May 16, 2024

How to drive customer acquistion on Amazon
How to drive customer acquistion on Amazon


If you're in charge of an online business and ready to go all in, instead of just jumping in without a plan, it would be better if you've got some valuable secrets about Amazon Pay Per Click (PPC). These secrets can turn clicks into sales and turn people who are just browsing into your loyal customers. 

Getting people's attention is important for success in online shopping. Amazon PPC is like a superhero for this – it helps bring more people to your product pages and boosts your sales. But here's the thing: to use Amazon PPC effectively, you need a good plan and a deep understanding of how it works. 

We're here to help you with all the details of Amazon PPC and show you the best strategies for getting more customers. 

 Advanced Strategies for Driving Customer Acquisition: 

  1. Keyword Optimization:  Ensure your product listings are optimized with relevant keywords, high-quality images, detailed descriptions and compelling copy. Use tools like Helium10 to conduct keyword research and optimize your listings for better visibility. Optimizing keywords is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of Amazon PPC campaigns. Here are some techniques you might want to know: 

    1. Use Long-Tail Keywords: Targeting specific, longer phrases can yield higher conversion rates as they capture more qualified leads. 

    2. Leverage Keyword Match Types: Utilize broad, phrase and exact match types strategically to balance reach and precision.   

  2. Bid Management:  How much are you willing to pay for a click on your ads? Effective bid management is essential for achieving optimal ROI from Amazon PPC campaigns. Some strategies include: Leverage Automated Bidding: Leverage Amazon's dynamic bidding options, such as Dynamic Bids - Down Only or Dynamic Bids - Up and Down, to adjust bids based on the likelihood of conversion. 

    1. Optimize bids basis performance: Use simple automated rules to bid up and bid down basis keyword performance 

    2. Use retail aware data: Bid up when your competitor increases their pricing. We have seen that in such cases, you can get better conversions and hence, more sales.   

  3. Ad Creative Optimization:  It goes without saying that it's human nature to click or enquire on Ads that either come across as clever, intriguing or more directly has the exact product the customer is looking for. Compelling ad creatives can significantly impact click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates. Some techniques that will help you optimize your ads include: 

    1. A/B Testing: Experiment with different ad copy, images and calls-to-action to identify the most effective combinations. 

    2. Ad Placement: Analyse performance metrics to determine which placements generate the highest returns, whether on search results pages or product detail pages.  

  4. Automated Repricing: Implement automated repricing tools to dynamically adjust your product prices based on competitor prices, demand and other factors. This ensures that your prices remain competitive and maximizes your chances of winning the Buy Box.  

  5. Inventory Management: Use inventory management software to automate inventory replenishment, forecasting and order management. This helps prevent stockouts, optimize inventory levels and ensure timely order fulfilment, which improves customer satisfaction and retention.  

  6. Review Management: Customer is king! They make or break your product – especially the ones who leave reviews on your product. Reviews directly affect possible future conversions and even one bad review can have the other customers questioning their decision to buy your product. Use automated review management tools to monitor and manage customer reviews effectively. Encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews and promptly address any negative feedback to maintain a good reputation and credibility.  

  7. Social Proof and Influencer Marketing: Leverage social proof by showcasing customer testimonials, user-generated content and influencer endorsements on your product listings. Identify relevant influencers in your niche and collaborate with them to promote your products to their audience.  

  8. Data Analytics and Insights: Keeping your marketing strategies fresh and updated is the key to ensuring continued sales. You can do this by analyzing the data collected about various aspects of customer behavior and general trends. Track key metrics such as conversion rates, customer acquisition costs and customer lifetime value. Gain insights into customer behavior, market trends and competitor performance to refine your strategies and optimize your campaigns for better results.   

Understanding Amazon PPC: 

What is Amazon PPC? It’s performance advertising where sellers pay only when a shopper clicks on their ad. These ads appear throughout the customer journey: on Amazon search results, product detail pages and other relevant locations. 
Like most things, Amazon PPC also has types: 

Sponsored Products: They showcase individual product listings and appear within Amazon search results and on product detail pages. Sponsored products ads are keyword-targeted, meaning sellers bid on specific keywords to trigger their ads when shoppers search for those terms. They typically feature the product image, title, price and a short ad copy. Sponsored Brands (formerly known as Headline Search Ads): 

Sponsored Brands allow sellers to promote their brand and multiple products simultaneously. These ads appear at the top of search results and can feature a custom headline, brand logo and multiple products. They are ideal for increasing brand visibility and driving traffic to a custom landing page or Amazon Storefront. 

Sponsored Display Ads: Sponsored Display ads target shoppers both on and off Amazon. These ads can appear on product detail pages, on the Amazon home page and across the web on third-party sites and apps through Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform). Targeting options include interests, shopping behaviour and retargeting, allowing sellers to reach shoppers who have shown interest in similar products. 

Video Ads: Video Ads allow sellers to showcase their products through engaging video content. These ads can appear before, during or after relevant videos on Amazon, capturing shoppers' attention and driving consideration. They offer an immersive way to showcase product features, benefits and use cases. 

Each type of Amazon PPC campaign serves different purposes and can be used strategically based on sellers' goals, target audience and budget. Experimenting with various campaign types and optimizing performance based on data analysis can help sellers maximize their advertising ROI on Amazon. 

  1. Keywords and Targeting: Amazon PPC relies heavily on keywords. Sellers bid on relevant keywords that shoppers might use when searching for products. Targeting options allow sellers to refine their audience based on factors like demographics, interests and shopping behavior. 

  2. Budgeting and Bidding: Sellers set daily or campaign budgets to control spending. Bidding involves specifying the maximum amount you're willing to pay for a click on your ad. Bids, along with relevance and other factors, determine whether your ad appears in search results. 

  3. Optimization and Performance Tracking: Regular monitoring and optimization are essential for successful Amazon PPC campaigns. Sellers should analyze keyword performance, adjust bids, refine targeting and optimize Ad creative to improve ROI. Amazon provides various metrics like click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate and cost per click (CPC) to track campaign performance. 

So, what can help you get ahead of the game? Here are some things you can do: 

  1. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-performing keywords. Continuously monitor and adjust bids to ensure competitive placement. 

  2. Optimize product listings for conversions to maximize the effectiveness of PPC traffic. 

  3. Test different ad creatives, targeting options and campaign settings to find what works best. 

  4. Regularly analyze campaign performance and adjust strategies accordingly.  By understanding and effectively leveraging Amazon PPC, sellers can increase visibility, drive traffic to their listings and ultimately boost sales on the platform.  

Measuring Success and Iterating:  

Continuous monitoring and optimization are essential for driving ongoing success with Amazon PPC. Don’t worry, we will tell you exactly what metrics you should be tracking. Key performance metrics to track include: ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sales): Calculate the ratio of ad spend to sales revenue to gauge campaign profitability. CTR (Click-Through Rate): Measure the percentage of users who click on your ads relative to the number of impressions. Conversion Rate: Assess the proportion of ad clicks that result in actual sales or other desired actions, such as sign-ups or downloads. Iterate on your campaigns based on data-driven insights, adjusting bids, keywords and ad creatives to refine targeting and maximize results.  By implementing these advanced strategies for Amazon automation, you can drive customer acquisition, increase sales and grow your business effectively on the world's largest online marketplace. 

Atom 11 not only helps you in automating advertising operations like search term harvesting and bid optimization. It also helps save time in downloading multiple reports and analyzing them. For the first time ever, you can combine retail data with advertising and run more efficient ads. Everything from thorough data analytics, providing quick insights into the root causes of sales fluctuations, competitor analysis, to optimizing and automating ads, and helping with effective product listing, Atom 11 has got you covered! Book a call with us here.